Gekko Trips: features overview

Tracking your trips:

  • Automatic route tracking with GPS
  • Fill in the route details manually (battery-friendly!)
  • Connecting trips with projects/clients
  • Choice between private and business trips

When driving a company car, you can let Gekko track your mileage for you by starting the app. The GPS will record how many kilometers you drove and how long it took (Gekko tip: you might want to add this time to your hours registration). However, sometimes you want to save your battery or you simply forget to start the app. No worries – it’s always possible to add a ride manually afterwards. We also designed a possibility to mark a trip as private, so that it will be excluded from your business trips.


Compatible with Belastingdienst:

  • Save odometer readings after each trip

  • Save door-to-door addresses

The Dutch Belastingdienst is very strict about mileage registration. In some cases the fines exceeded 20,000 euros! That a good reason to make sure that your business rides are registered in a proper way. This includes writing down your odometer reading before and after each trip and providing an exact address of your starting and ending address, say, your house to customer’s office.


Supported means of transport:

  • Car
  • Bike
  • Public transport

Just in case you get bored of traffic jams on A2.


Connection with your account on

  • Your mileage registration in the cloud
  • Overview of total amount of kilometers
  • (Coming soon) Adding your trips to invoices with one click

Gekko is much more than one app. You can basically do your whole bookkeeping on Gekko by using your online account together with a bunch of apps (Hours, Costs and Trips – get ‘em here). In case of Trips all your rides are automatically saved in the cloud, so you can access them always and anywhere, even without your phone.


Premium features:

  • Automatic suggestion of routes
  • Automatic calculation of the kilometers previously travelled based on Google maps
  • Multiple company cars per account

Each user of Gekko can do his/her bookkeeping for free. It will be complete, it will be good, it will be – hopefully! – hassle-free. The Premium features are there to make the whole process yet a bit easier. In case of Trips this means you can switch between company cars and enjoy the auto-fill option.


Tip, make sure that you track your trip when you start your business. You can do that very easily with the Gekko Trips app.


Gekko tips