Invoice Financing

You just send an invoice but your customer is not going to pay for another month. Meanwhile, you now really have to pay that supplier but you are quite a bit low on funds. Sounds familiar? Then you should really user invoice financing. Invoice financing helps small entrepreneurs get the money from their invoices quicker and help make sure you can meet your own payment dates on time.

Cómo funciona la financiación de facturas

If you send an invoice that will be paid in the future, you can use invoice financing to receive the money from the invoice faster.
Lo único que tienes que hacer es compartir tu factura con nuestro socio Rabobank via este enlace. Tu factura será revisada y se efectuará el pago en menos de 24 horas.

Invoice financing by Rabobank

Invoice financing on Gekko is provided by our partner Rabobank. As one of the premier banks in the Netherlands, they are the perfect partner for invoice financing.
Cualquier factura que crees en Gekko puede ser directamente enviada a Rabobank para su aprobación. Sin esperas. Sin procedimientos engorrosos.
Just an easy to use service developed for small entrepreneurs that need quick, simple and inexpensive financing.
Invoice financing by Rabobank

Inexpensive financing via Rabobank

Rabobank puede ofrecer mejores condiciones y agilidad que la mayoría de competidores ya que estructura la financiación como un préstamo de empresa en vez de factoring.
The advantage here is that you can pay as low as 1.2% financing costs over a loan while most competitors offers rates twice as high. That is only 12 EUR on a 1000 EUR loan.
Inexpensive financing via Rabobank

Your customer will not be bothered

Otra ventaja de la financiación de facturas a través de Rabobank es que tus clientes no tendrán que pagar a un tercero del que nunca han oído hablar.
Your customer still just pays you and no one else.
The only difference is that you use that money to pay back the financing you receive from invoice financing. As simple as that.
Your customer will not be bothered

Beneficios de financiar tus facturas

The advantages of invoice financing are that it is simple, fast and easy. But on top of that it also helps you as an entrepreneur manage the risks of taking on debt.
Al usar tu factura como colateral no estarás endeudándote en algo que no puedes pagar.
When your customer pays, you can pay back the amount you got via invoice financing. This of course does not mean invoice financing is completely risk free.
Por favor lea detenidamente las condiciones financieras de nuestro socio Rabobank para tener una visión completa de los riesgos que involucra la financiación de facturas.
Beneficios de financiar tus facturas

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